Established 1993-2025- 32 years Estimating as Willow Estimating
Estimating Service for Contractors and Builders -UK wide Commercial and Domestic Projects

From your Plans we can prepare BQ take offs and Price with fully detailed rates from first principle Estimating using Conquest Software and measures based on PDF Drawings using Blue Beam software - to form your project specific priced Bills of Quantity.


Pricing will be specific to your project with all 2025 current Prices- Estimates Summarised in an easy to read format detailing-Labour-Plant-Material- subcontract- breakdown issued in PDF or usable Excel format.

Complex tenders made simple -freeing up your time and resources -allowing you to concentrate on running and growing your business .

We take the stress out of pricing projects-No more working late at night to hit tender deadlines- have that well earned that Holiday without worries about the next Project being priced.

Currently Pricing Building projects throughout the UK-North East- Manchester- Midlands-London and South East

Call: 0191 303 4244 Office or Mobile 07552 350 073 or Contact:

E mail us your project information for a Fixed Fee Quote Personal Service - saving you time and money- When sending Emails Please ensure you include your company contact details .